Showing posts with label uses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label uses. Show all posts

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Turmeric is main weapon againts illness in human body

Turmeric is a  treditional ingrident in india from ancient years ,there are lot of researches proved lot of uses of turmeric.

curcumin is main part of turmeric ,its help to provide anti bacterial properties to human body while consuming turmeric in many forms in daily life .In ancient days of history there is no medicine for infected wounds and scratches in village areas at that time turmeric was the only one option for heal the daily life we can take many ways like using in cooked foods ,taking with milk .now we can discuss how important turmeric and its properties and uses.

# antibiotic 
# anti fungal 
# good sign (some people using turmeric as good sign when they are start a new work )
# diabetic destroyer
# alzeemar healer 
# skin therapist
#anti cancer agent
# help to produce weaponcells fight againts disease
# mouth ulcer curer

How to take turmeric in effective ways in daily life :

1.add in curries while cooking
2.add some amount of turmeric with milk in  a day .
3. rub on mouth ulcer infeected areas in mouth which will give relief early who suffering pain while eating.

Crows attack on people

Crows attack on human beings or people in middle East such a massive way ,you will see in video below Click here for crows attack